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Sweet chestnut

Sweet chestnut
Detailed introduction:

Li Taro, when chestnuts are ripe, most mature chestnuts will naturally fall, while some will only fall when struck with a bamboo pole. Generally, naturally falling chestnuts are ripe  have a good taste  variety. Jingdong chestnut, specifically referring to the chestnut produced in the Yanshan Mountains east of Beijing, is also known as "Yanshan chestnut"  "Qianxi chestnut" in the international market.

The main production areas of Jingdong chestnut are in the Xinglong, Zunhua,  Qianxi areas of Hebei Province. It is famous for its beautiful fruit shape  unique flavor,  is one of the competitive foreign exchange earning products. Chestnut is widely planted in China, ranging  Fengcheng County in Liaoning Province  Qinglong County in Hebei Province in the north, Hainan Island in the south, Shaanxi Province in the west,  coastal provinces in the east, covering 21 provinces (cities, autonomous regions). Chestnut is widely planted in North China in the Yellow River basin  parts of the Yangtze River basin. Chestnut in Yanshan Mountains is famous in the world for its bright color, high sugar content, sweet fragrance, fragrance, sweet,  glutinous characteristics.



Next:Sweet chestnut kernel2022-06-28


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