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Sweet chestnut kernel

Sweet chestnut kernel
Detailed introduction:

Northern chestnut: Its common characteristics are small fruit shape (average weight of a single fruit is about 8 grams), glutinous flesh, high sugar content (usually around 20%), low starch content, high protein content, shiny skin, easy peeling of astringent skin. Suitable for making sugar fried tickets. Li Taro

Litalong is mainly distributed in the Yanshan Taihang Mountains in North China, including parts of Hebei, Beijing, Shandong, northern Jiangsu, northern Henan, Shaanxi Gansu. Adapt to cold dry climates. Choose to pick on a sunny day, with chestnuts that are dry. Choose chestnuts with large, dark, plump, complete, free pests diseases, store them in a cool ventilated room.

First, lay a layer of 10cm thick river sand on the dry ground, then pile the chestnut balls up to a suitable thickness of 1m. Cover them with a layer of straw, flip check once a month to maintain even humidity. Its variety is cold drought resistant. The lifespan can reach up to 300 years. Castanea mollissima is a unique excellent dry fruit tree species in China. Its fruit is a famous dry fruit a woody grain.


Last:Sweet chestnut kernel2022-06-28
Next:Sweet chestnut2022-06-28


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